

Colorado Marijuana Laws: Impact of Yes on 300 and No on 2D for Cannabis Consumers

Colorado Marijuana Laws: Impact of Yes on 300 and No on 2D for Cannabis Consumers

In the recent Colorado Springs election, voters faced two crucial ballot measures with opposing outcomes that have left the cannabis community buzzing with questions. Ballot Question 300 and Ballot Issue 2D were at the heart of the debate, each promising to reshape the local marijuana landscape in different ways. Understanding these measures is essential for […]

How Can I Get Medical Marijuana’s Card In Colorado

How Can I Get Medical Marijuana’s Card In Colorado

Although state regulations on legal usage vary greatly, almost all states permit some type of cannabis consumption, whether it be for medical, limited medical, or recreational use by grownups. Confusion is exacerbated by the fact that except from officially permitted research, marijuana production, distribution, and consumption are still illegal under federal law. However, the federal government […]

What Parents Need to Know About Medical Marijuana and Teenagers

What Parents Need to Know About Medical Marijuana and Teenagers

Medical marijuana serves to treat or relieve the symptoms of certain illnesses. The two essential therapeutic substances of the plant, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol possess distinct biological implications. Although the “high” is brought about by tetrahydrocannabinol, which also has medicinal use for certain ailments, Cannabidiol has become famous for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory capabilities without any […]

Benefits of Colorado’s Marijuana Tax

Benefits of Colorado’s Marijuana Tax

In the months prior to the landmark vote that legalized marijuana in Colorado in January 2014, proponents were not excited due to the realization that recreational marijuana use would be legal in the state. In the months prior to the landmark vote that legalized marijuana in Colorado in January 2014, proponents were not excited due […]

Military Veterans Fight for Medical Marijuana – National

Military Veterans Fight for Medical Marijuana – National

Ryan Miller describes the year after his leg amputation as the best year of his life. He worked out. He traveled. He tanned. He was done with opioids. After an explosively formed projectile destroyed his leg and damaged his stomach in Iraq, Miller had been caught in a vicious cycle of surgery and prescribed painkillers. […]

New Cannabis Rules Go Into Effect

New Cannabis Rules Go Into Effect

Several new rules and regulations for legal cannabis in Colorado have been finalized and will go into effect January 1, 2018, according to the Marijuana Enforcement Division. The MED had been holding stakeholder meetings and accepting public feedback on many of the proposed rules since September; they include updates to packaging regulations, a new state […]

Cannabis User Rights in Colorado

Cannabis User Rights in Colorado

Despite our national reputation for legalized marijuana use, it’s truly interesting for the consumer how vague the cannabis laws in Colorado can be. Marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug under federal law and possession is punishable under federal statutes. What Colorado initiated and other states have followed, is that any federal statutes will be […]